ADA Accommodations Update

ADA Accommodations Update

This course comes with 2 hours of SHRM Credit! Frustrated with navigating employee disability accommodations? Join us for a review of the most recent and relevant court decisions on employee accommodations, during which Natalie Rougeux will also share her tips and...
Speak Out

Speak Out

Speak Out By Lillia The EEOC recently announced that it has extended the public input period an additional 40 days on its proposed enforcement guidance on unlawful workplace harassment. The proposed guidance is now open for public input until March 21, 2017. As...
Food For Thought

Food For Thought

Food For Thought By Lillia The Third Circuit recently ruled that a food and beverage manufacturer will avoid trial on claims that it violated the ADA. Specifically, the employee was fired after he was arrested for allegedly driving drunk on a day on which he was using...